12 Questions PSY

1__A theory helps psychologists broadly explain ______








2_Psychologists primarily engaged in helping others are generally called _______






3_The method of _________


is considered scientific because it incorporated the study of the structures of the mind as well as a person’s recollection and reflection of their thoughts and feelings in a well-controlled laboratory setting.






4__Under the biological approach in psychology, _____________


emphasizes that the brain and nervous system are central to understanding behavior, thought, and emotion.














1_Professor Cognition is examining how time delays affect memory performance. He decides to use students in his psychology course as his subjects. During a class session, he tells the students about the study. They will take a memory test in class and then again, an hour later. As an incentive, he informs the class that those who are willing to participate will receive 10 points extra credit. Those not willing to participate will have 10 points deducted from their overall course grade. The students who decide to participate complete the two memory tests anonymously and then are explained the basis for the experiment. Professor Cognition is violating which ethical standard:




A_informed consent.


b_voluntary participation.










2_Which is considered an important issue regarding ethical guidelines for conducting research?




A_Informed consent






D_Informed consent, deception, and debriefing








3_Dr. Sanders is interested in how people understand feedback about their performance and incorporate it into their view of themselves. She has large groups of participants take a bogus personality test and then, in front of the group, tells each of them that they either did very well, average, or very poorly. She also tells them that their scores on the test accurately predict future life success. Dr. Sanders then has the participants write a short paragraph describing their personal strengths and weaknesses. At the end of the study, the group turns in their paragraphs and is excused. At no time does Dr. Sanders inform them that the test and feedback were actually false. In fact, she never tells them about the nature of the study. Dr. Sanders’s study violates which ethical standard?




A_Protection from harm


B_Informed consent












4_The variable that a researcher manipulates in an experiment is called the _______ variable.


















5_A carefully planned and executed procedure that aims to explain how a variable has caused an influence on another variable is known as




A_an experiment.


B_a case study.


C_a correlation.


D_a theory.




6_Which type of research can demonstrate causality?








C_Inferential statistics


D_None of the above; causality can never be determined.






7_Marga is a therapist whose hometown had a school fire in which many children died. Which of the following therapeutic techniques would be least helpful to trauma victims?




A_Teaching basic coping skills


B_Having victims who survived recount their stories only if it seems helpful


C_Urging distressed people to talk through what they had experienced


D_Giving victims community referrals for additional assistance, should they find that they want to talk later






8______ refers to the degree to which an experimental design reflects the real-world issues it was meant to address.




A_External validity


B_Internal validity


C_Experimenter bias


D_Operational definition

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